Author Translation Services

Translation Services

 I'm Leyla Haddi, an author and academic. Originally from Spain, I now live in California. I have a degree in Literature and am currently pursuing a second degree in Anthropology, focusing on Linguistics from a cultural and social perspective. I publish my work in both English and Spanish, and I am now offering professional Spanish translation services for children's and youth books, as well as adult and academic work. As an author of children's books and a creator of engaging children's curriculums, I ensure that my translations maintain the integrity and charm of the original work.

 Why Choose My Services?

- Expertise in Children's Literature and Academic Work: With a background in early childhood education, literature, and anthropology, I understand the nuances and importance of language in various contexts.

- Cultural Sensitivity: I ensure that translations are not just accurate but also culturally appropriate, making the stories and content relatable and engaging for the target audience.

- Quality Assurance: Every translation goes through a meticulous process of proofreading and editing to maintain the highest quality standards.

1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your project requirements and get a quote.
2. Translation: I start working on your translation, keeping you updated throughout the process.
3. Review and Edit: The translated text is reviewed and edited for accuracy and fluency.
4. Final Delivery: Receive your translated document in the desired format.

  • Children's Books Translation

    Transform your English children's books into captivating Spanish versions.

  • Youth Books Translation:

    Translate youth literature with a focus on maintaining the original tone and style.

  • Academic Work Translation

    Translate academic papers, articles, and research with precision and clarity.

  • Adult Literature Translation

    Translate adult fiction and non-fiction books, ensuring the original voice and style are preserved.

  • Curriculums Translations

    I offer translations for curriculums and educational material at a set price.

    *Please contact me for a quote.

  • Custom Requests

    Have a specific project in mind? Contact me to discuss custom translation services.


Children's Books (up to 1,000 words)

Children's Books (up to 1,000 words): $10 per page.

Books Over 1,000 Words

$0.10 to $0.25 per word

Adult and Academic Work

Pricing varies based on the complexity and length of the text. Please contact me for a detailed quote.

Educational Resources

Pricing for educational resources and curriculums varies based on the scope and complexity of the project. Please contact me for a detailed quote.